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The result of the use of steroids in adolescents can be a slowdown in the growth of the body, where to get steroids for muscle building, or in children's development. They will be smaller, they will start to take steroids early in life or in adolescence and in a short period of time." (2) So, if you are a child concerned about growth, a strong link between steroids use and delayed maturity is undeniable. The only option is to discontinue use of steroids. This is not easy. Many parents continue using steroids for the sake of their child, not because they are convinced they are doing the best for their child. That is why there are many other options to make sure your child is using steroids responsibly. Here are some: Have them go to a physiotherapist, a massage therapist, or a health care professional and get a checkup or a referral (called a professional checkup). They need to know if the person is using steroids, if their doctor is on board with the use of steroids even though they do not use them regularly. Tell your doctor exactly what steroids are being used in the household, and that the dose would be different if steroids were the only medicine in the house. Ask the person if they are still using other medications, and if so, why. This can help in preventing a relapse of the use of steroids. If your child is still using steroids, have them stop taking them. It is important to do this, as there is an increased risk of developing anabolic effects from the use of steroids. You need to start taking your child off steroids as soon as it becomes obvious that steroids will not be helpful for your child. Be sure to keep records of steroids your child takes at home. This can help identify which steroids they need, so that you could try a different type of steroid at a later time. If you are still using steroids, do what you have to do, if you are using other medicines, and if so, tell the doctor or prescriber so your child can be informed. If you are a parent concerned that your child is making an early move toward anabolic steroids, you can make sure that the doctor or prescriber is not recommending steroids. In the next part in this series, we will look at drugs that will take away the hormones from your child and give them the use of natural or synthetic estrogen. However, before we do that we have one last set to look at for now. Sources: 1. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/childhood-drug Related Article: